CVEP Highlights Architect Maria Song and #CHOCxMW at Modernism Week


(Palm Springs, CA) - CHOC is grateful to the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership for their support of affordable housing in Coachella Valley, inclusive of CEO Joe Wallace’s full throated support for CHOC’s Monarch Home Apartments development before the Palm Springs City Council in February 2019.

CHOC also thanks CVEP for featuring #CHOCxMW’s Maria Song AIA, LEED & AP’s in the most recent edition of its weekly Insights newsletter.

“CVEP serves innovators and entrepreneurs at every stage of business – from incubation to launch to daily operation. the organization manages the Palm Springs iHub, the Business Services Center and organizes a robust schedule of professional training events.” If your small business or startup has Coachella Valley presence, explore the CVEP website here.

Purchase and watch Maria’s ‘Fast Forward 2/Designing the Future of Palm Springs’ - which includes six (6) additional modules - via Modernism Week online.