Posts in Health
June is Dairy Month: CHOC Impact’s Summer Program Kick Off

The summer’s in full swing at CHOC Community Impact. The arrival of June kicks off our summer enrichment programs at several of our communities across California. June is also National Dairy Month! As the school year ends and summer break begins, our programs in Riverside County and Northern California are now back in full swing, serving lunches and offering an enrichment curriculum that incorporates both academic and emotional learning…

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Spotlight | Summer STARS with Dairy Council of CA and United Way Capital Region
CHOC Brings Mobile Vaccination to its NorCal Communities

Let’s get our communities vaccinated! Now that the COVID-19 vaccine is widely available in the United States, the nationwide effort to vaccinate is at the forefront. CHOC, as a leading nonprofit developer of affordable housing communities, has established a new resource to help our residents receive the COVID-19 vaccine at on-site vaccination clinics.

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