Masks Rule at CHOC's Hotel Woodland

CHOC Hotel Woodland residents are fully masked per Yolo County's Roadmap to Recovery health order. Photo: CHOC Services

CHOC Hotel Woodland residents are fully masked per Yolo County's Roadmap to Recovery health order. Photo: CHOC Services

(Woodland, CA) - In an effort to promote onsite safety for Hotel Woodland residents, as well as supporting Yolo County's Roadmap to Recovery health order, CHOC Services partnered with the Flying Needles Quilt Guild in Woodland to supply every Hotel Woodland resident with washable masks. Our services staff, as coordinated by Family and Youth Services Director Terri Smyth Canillo, has also established onsite COVID-19 safety guidelines for all residents of this CHOC affordable housing property, located in historic downtown Woodland.

Hotel Woodland's current mix of ground floor retail business and three (3) floors of single-room occupancy affordable housing is but the latest iteration of this landmark building. From

Completed in 1928, the Historic Hotel Woodland is Northern California landmark listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Designed in Spanish Colonial Revival style by prominent Bay Area architect W. H. Weeks, the hotel was built by an investment group of local businessmen to address a need for an upscale hotel in Woodland, which was at the time the most populous city in Yolo County.

For decades, the hotel provided luxury accommodations to guests and its elegance made it the primary location for important community events and prestigious gatherings.

Eventually, however, the property fell into disrepair. Local leaders and city residents were in agreement that improvements were necessary, and a group of local business people undertook a multi-million dollar renovation in 1997. Restoration and modernization of the hotel was a 39 month project. The hotel’s unique architecture, artwork, sculpture, alcoves, shaded patio and graceful fountain were meticulously preserved, returning this landmark to its original grandeur.

How to Wear a Mask. A helpful World Health Organization infographic found on Yolo County's Health and Human ServicesRoadmap to Recovery page.

Hotel Woodland's #WearAMask policies are found on an easy to follow, FAQ-like document posted throughout the property, covering the following topics and questions.


A supporting tactic in Yolo County’s ‘Roadmap to Recovery’ is a new heath order requiring members of the public and workers to wear a face covering. The purpose of this order is to provide additional public health protection in settings that present a risk of COVID-19 transmission. This order is informed by the Centers for Disease Control, scientific evidence, and best practices regarding the most effective approaches to slow the transmission of communicable diseases, such as COVID-19. (


PUBLIC: Waiting in line to go enter a store; Shopping at a store; Picking up food at a restaurant; On public transportation (or waiting for it); Going into facilities that are open. (

HOTEL WOODLAND: ALL common area that require masks, such as hallways, the elevator, the lobby, Resident Services and Management offices.


PUBLIC: In your car alone or with members of your own household; Children under the age of 2 years old due to the risk of suffocation; exercising, hiking, bicycling or running. However, everyone must comply with social distancing during all of these activities.(

HOTEL WOODLAND: When you are in your unit by yourself


Cloth face coverings are recommended as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people whenever a person(s) wearing his/her/their cloth face covering(s) coughs, sneezes, talks, or raises his/her/their voice(s). This is called source control. (


YES! Yolo county passed A July 7, 2020 ordinance that states individuals and business owners may be fined if they are not wearing a mask.  An individual may be fined up to $500!

Do you need a mask? Would you like more information on masks? Resident Services can help – stop by the office for help!

The CHOC organization and Hotel Woodland residents would like to thank the Flying Needles Quilt Guild of Yolo County for volunteering their labor and materials to help keep our residents stay safe, we appreciate their assistance and partnership!

CHOC, founded in in 1984, has housed thousands of families throughout the Northern California region, from Davis to Sacramento to Woodland. CHOC’s holistic approach to housing has earned it an award-winning reputation for excellence, both in the design of our buildings and in the sustainable lifestyle our organization brings to communities. CHOC creates equitable communities for individuals, families, seniors and for those with special needs. Our success confirms that affordable housing is key to self-sufficiency and is achievable with enriching, supportive programs that give pride to residents, stabilize families and improve local economies.